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Summer Update and Plans

Hello Friends,

I’m sorry it has been so long since our last update. It’s been about 4 weeks since we got back to the U.S. and it has been crazy. We landed in Orlando at 10:00 PM on Sunday, June 12th. Then less than 36 hours later Leeza was back on a plane going to visit her sister and 4-day-old niece Mikayah Glory in Pennsylvania. Tripp and I stayed in Sebring and spent lots of time with family. It was great for Leeza to get that time with her sister and it gave Tripp and I some downtime to rest and get over our extreme case of jetlag. Our second week home was full of doctor visits, calls to Medicaid, family photos, and sifting through a year’s worth mail. We have to give thanks to God for his provision for our family. Leeza’s insurance does not give her any coverage in the U.S., but we were able to qualify for Medicaid and we are now all covered. We were prepared to figure out how to pay for the delivery of Lindlee out of pocket, but God is good and we no longer have to worry about that! Thank you for those of you who have been praying for that situation.

As we look to the rest of the summer we have some goals including spending time with family, refueling and preparing for another year of ministry in Asia, and connecting with as many people as possible in both Sebring and SWFL to give more personal updates and share our vision for the next year. In fact, if you want to meet up this summer please email me ( It would be great to connect with you!

We know many of you are committed to praying for us, so here are some ways you can be praying for us over the next few weeks.

  • Lindlee Jane is scheduled to come on August 9th. We had a great meeting with our new doctor a couple weeks ago and we really feel blessed to have her. Please pray for Leeza’s comfort and especially her sleep over this last month of pregnancy. And of course, we are praying for a safe delivery and a healthy baby girl.

  • We are currently seeking to replenish and add to our current support base. Our current goal is an $870 in monthly recurring giving. Please pray for God to provide individuals, families and churches who will partner with us to bring the gospel to every man, woman, and child in Bangkok and throughout South Asia. In fact, would you consider praying and asking God if He would have you partner with us in this way? Every gift, whether its $25 a month or $250 a month, is an incredible blessing to our family and ministry. If you would like to become a financial partner you can do so here:

Thanks for following our journey and for the many ways you all support and care for us.

Grace and Peace,


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