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1st Year Reflections

1st Year Reflections

On July 27th, 2015 we boarded a plane, something we had done numerous times. But this time it was different. We weren’t going on vacation or a short missions trip. We were going to live in a foreign country. The moment we left for the airport I was overcome with thoughts of doubt. Was this really what God wanted for our family? Are we CRAZY! I was scared out of my mind. The only thing that allowed me to board the plane that morning was my confidence in God’s call on our lives to go make disciples. I was afraid, but I knew God would use our move to Bangkok for His glory and our good. In a few days we will be boarding another plane to head home for a couple of months. So, I thought this would be a good time to share some reflections from our first year as missionaries in Bangkok, Thailand.

Simplicity is Integral to Mission.

We are born with an innate desire for a home. Home is our safe place where we feel comfortable and secure. It is where we raise our families and spend the majority of our time. Home is our own little kingdom where we can be ourselves, set our own rules, and store up our riches. If we are honest with ourselves, we all want this, at least I know I do. However, Jesus said His Kingdom is not of this world (John18:36). Hebrews 11:13-17 tells us that those who lived by faith acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. They longed for a better home, to dwell with God in heaven.

Homes are not evil. In fact, our homes are a gift from the Lord and a resource we can leverage for the glory of God as we serve and love our neighbor in our homes. But if we are consumed with building our own kingdoms on earth, we will be distracted from building God’s Kingdom in heaven. Simplicity is integral to mission. If we don’t practice simplicity of life our focus will always be on the things of this world and not on the mission God has given us.

Please don’t read any judgement into these words. Too many missionaries grow to resent those who remain at home. I certainly don’t want to be one of those. But after a year of living in a tiny apartment in a foreign country that definitely does not feel like home, I am so thankful for the way God has allowed us to embrace a more simple and Kingdom focused lifestyle. Simplicity was a struggle for us a year ago. And who knows, maybe it will be again in another season of life? But for now, it has been an area that God has been at work in us this year.

Sensitivity to the Activity of the Holy Spirit is a Must

Bangkok is a massive city in both geographic size and population. It is also very diverse with over 20 ethnic people groups with significant populations. One of the greatest challenges in doing ministry here is just determining where to start. What neighborhood? Which ethnic group? What kind of ministry will be most successful in reaching and serving those people in that place?

Thankfully God has given us His Spirit to lead and guide us. Sensitivity to the activity of the Holy Spirit is a must when determining the answers to those kinds of questions. We have spent much of this year experimenting with different types of ministry to different people groups and we have changed directions on multiple occasions. We have to be listening to and following the Spirit of God in these things. At the same time we have to be patient. Life transformation doesn’t happen overnight. Establishing new churches, raising up leaders, and building relationships and doing evangelism all take time. Which is why we seek to go where God is at work and cooperate with Him there. Because no one wants to toil in a ministry to a people or in a place where God’s Spirit is not at work.

Service Paves the Way Towards Influence

You’ve heard the adage “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” Well let me share another one with you, “No one will receive the help you want to give until they have received the help they want.” Our desire for Bangkok has not just been to plant a church, but to plant a vision to reach every man, woman, and child with the gospel. We recognize that this will require a commitment from every church to take ownership for the lostness of their neighborhood. Only together can we make the gospel accessible to every one of the 15-20 million people in Bangkok.

The first few months we were here our team met with close to 50 other pastors and Christian leaders in the city. We shared our vision for the city and looked for partners to join us in this vision. But, partnership like this doesn’t just happen even when we can all agree on the vision. It has to be established through relationship.

We had to change our approach. Which meant learning how to serve the other churches and organizations in the city without any benefit for ourselves. We have had to take the mindset that if we can use our resources and gifts to help others be successful than we are being successful. We have had to learn to demonstrate partnership through serving them in the things they have wanted our help with before they are willing to really joint venture with us to reach the city in any significant way.

God’s Not Done with Us

This year has been an emotional roller coaster. There have been days when I wanted to throw in the towel and fly home and there have been days where I could not be more thankful to be a part of the ministry of SCP in Bangkok and throughout Asia. We are coming home this summer to visit family, which will be a joy. We also have to expand our ministry support team so we can continue to serve in Thailand. And the highlight of our summer will surely be the arrival of our daughter Lindlee Jane in August. It is going to be a great summer, but it is going to be a long summer because God is not done with us in Bangkok. God has good things in store for us next year. He has greater things to grow our family in and greater ministry for us to be partner with Him in.

To those of you who have partnered with us through your prayers and/or financial support, thank you so very much for all that you have done. We couldn’t do this without you. Please pray for our journey home. We leave Bangkok on Saturday at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time and will arrive in Orlando, FL at 9:30 PM on Sunday if all goes according to plan. We will give another update shortly after we get back to the States.

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